Photography Section
Forensic photography keeps pictorial and appearance record of Physical evidences for proceedings in criminal justice system.
This Section gets involved in almost all sections of Forensic Science Lab as it is an integral part of the investigation process. IOs also preserve evidence from scene of crimes with the help of Photography.
Its role is very important in examination of engine and chassis No’s. of suspected vehicles where photography before and after chemical treatment of engine/chassis disclose the deciphered/tempered No’s.
Keeping the role of Photography in mind, the laboratory follows standard mechanisms to develop images of evidence which can be presented in court proceedings.
According to Forensic scientist “BROWN”
“In reality, those rare few cases with good forensic evidence are the ones that make it to court”
(Pat Brown)
Services at Photography Section:
- Suspected Vehicle examination
- Photography in Question Documents
- Finger print identification
- Crime scene photography
- Exclusive photography for comparison of evidence